Vehicles consist of different components. In performing their functions, they get filthy and squalid as they age. A particular cleaning agent shouldn’t be used for every car part.
All the parts of the vehicle have a unique cleaning solution, and that is what should be used when cleaning that particular part. It is also important to take care of every part individually.
For example, the brake cleaner should be used specifically for the brake system and not on any other part. Therefore, every cleaner is meant for a particular part of the vehicle.
There is a risk of system damage in a situation where the wrong cleaner is used for a particular part. This will then prompt excessive spending on repairs and replacement. You are advised to always use the right cleaner, saving you cost.
In this article, you learn all about carb cleaner vs brake cleaner, their differences, how and where to use them, and lots more.
Let’s begin!
Carb Cleaner vs Brake Cleaner
Carb cleaners and brake cleaners are made for unique purposes. They also have some, differences. Brake cleaners are meant for cleaning oil build-ups and any kind of dirt in the entire brake system. Subsequently, carb cleaner is meant for the vehicle’s carburetor and to melt very stubborn dirt build-up.
Carb cleaner leaves an oily residue on surfaces that it is used on. This is not so with brake cleaners. Brake cleaners clean any oil build-up that may impair the smooth functioning of the brake system.
It is also meant to clean debris, recover dirt, clean the shoes and pads, brake drums, etc. Braking speed may be affected if the surface is not allowed to dry properly. Therefore, it is necessary to allow the surface of the brake to dry after cleaning.
You are advised to use specially produced brake cleaners for your brake pads, shoes, and drum because oil residue on any of these brake parts will negatively affect their performance.
Regardless of whether your gasket or seals are new, the carb cleaner is designed to remain oil to enable maximum usage and to increase the lifespan of the seals and gaskets.
The carb cleaner is meant for the car’s throttle body and carburetor. It also removes very tough build-ups of dirt from the throttle and carburetor.
In as much as the brake cleaner is more harmful on a given surface than the carb cleaner, you are strongly advised not to use the carb cleaner on the brake as this will leave oil residue, which will, in turn, deter the smooth running of the braking system.
Great differences can be spotted in these two cleaners in terms of use. Carb cleaner is meant for removing tough oil and dirt build-ups and leaves oil residue to aid in the smooth functioning of the carburetor, while the brake cleaner is designed to erase oil and dirt traces.
Also Read: Brakes Locking Up (Causes & Solutions)
Carb Cleaner vs Brake Cleaner: What Is Brake Cleaner?
This cleaner is peculiar to the braking system. This helps clean brake fluid, oil, grease, debris, or dirt in the brake pads and shoes. The fast dry is a notable quality of the brake cleaner.
The brake cleaner can also clean other parts aside from the braking system like shoe brakes, brake drums, brake pads, etc. The brake cleaner comes in the form of a spray, making it safer to use.
Brake cleaner comes in two categories: Non-chlorinated and Chlorinated brake cleaners. These two cleaners are good for your entire engine system.
It is important to note that even as the Non-chlorinated brake cleaner is less active and harmful to the human body, the Chlorinated brake cleaner is very deadly and dangerous to the human body. This is because of the chemical makeup, including tetrachloroethylene, which is aggressive to the human skin.
It is still best for one to be safety conscious always while using both cleaners by using protective gloves. Always be careful not to apply brake cleaner on a surface with a powdery substance, as this may ruin the nice finish of the car.
Carb Cleaner vs Brake Cleaner: What Is Carb Cleaner?
This cleaner is peculiar to the carburetor. The function of the carburetor is to mix fuel and air in a balanced ratio for an effective combustion process.
The carburetor is a part of the engine system, but the location differs from vehicle to vehicle, but it should always be around the intake manifold. To locate it easily, fuel lines are always attached to it.
Vehicles like lawnmowers still use carburetors, but recently, carburetors are being replaced with fuel injection systems in new model vehicles. This start ensures a perfect mixture of air and fuel and a faster response to user input than the carburetor.
If your car still uses a carburetor, you are advised to learn how to take good care of it yourself because professionals who understand the process are getting fewer in number.
Therefore, you might be considering substitution in a situation where a carb cleaner is unavailable. The throttle cleaner is a good substitution, but it is best to be sure when your carburetor needs cleaning.
Wherever there are debris and dirt build-ups in the carburetor, it is time to have it cleaned. The carb cleaner will then be needed to help erase these build-ups.
The chemical composition of this cleaner may be capable of removing paint on the vehicle. Therefore, you are advised to always be careful while working on painted parts of the car.
The chemical composition of the carb cleaner is made very aggressive so that they can easily erase debris, carbons, and build-ups in the carb. Your car’s abilities will drop when there are build-ups within the carb. When this is noticed, it is best to have it cleaned.
Also Read: Bad Brake Rotors (Symptoms and Solution)
Brake Cleaner vs Carb Cleaner: What Is the Difference?
- Carb cleaners are specially made for cleaning the throttle body and carburetor, while the brake cleaners are meant for keeping the brake pads and brake shoes clean.
- Carb cleaners will make a mess during the process of cleaning. But, so long as you have your gloves on while using the brake cleaner, it works perfectly fine.
- Removal of hard carbon build-ups, dirt, and debris are the main functions of the carb cleaner, and it will leave a small oil residue. At the same time, removing oily fluids, debris, and dirt and leaving the cleaned surface very dry is the function of the brake cleaner.
- The oil residue left by the carb cleaner improves the longevity of the gaskets and seals. But the brake cleaners leave the cleaned component’s surface very dry, which is not good for gaskets and seals.
- You may use carburetor cleaner on other parts of the vehicle that have gaskets and seals, rubber, vinyl, and neoprene.
It is not advised to use brake cleaner on any of these components of your car.
When Should I Use a Brake Cleaner?
Your car brakes need timely check-ups as they are pivotal aspects of the vehicle. This still helps ensure the smooth running of the braking system. Therefore, it is best to look out for these brake issue signs:
1. Strange Sounds
It is best to stop and check your brakes in a situation where you notice very disturbing sounds from the system. A grinding or very harsh sound could mean damaged brake pads. When this happens, you will have to change the brake pads.
2. Brake Lights on Your Dashboard, Come On
Whenever you notice a red or yellow light indicator on your dashboard, it implies the braking system needs to be inspected.
3. Car Pulling to the Side
While driving, you notice your vehicle trying to move in a direction you are not directing it to; it may imply collapsed brake hose or caliper.
4. Leaking Fluids
You can spot fluid leakage issues in the braking system when the brake pedal becomes soft. Always inspect it to be sure any time you notice the softness of the brake pedal.
5. Vibrations
The system applies a fast grab to the rotors when your vehicle stops abruptly. This, in essence, causes vibrations. When you then use the brake normally and notice this vibration, that could result from wrapped rotors. It is then important to have the rotors cleaned or repaired.
6. Temperamental Pedal
A mushy brake pedal usually indicates a malfunctioning hydraulic system or worn-out brake pads. The pads are very sensitive, and the rotors could be worn out unevenly by dirty brake fluid or moisture contamination of the brake fluid.
When Should I Use a Carb Cleaner?
A dirty carb could stop the engine from starting. It might give positive signs, but it won’t start. This is where carb cleaner comes in handy. You can use it to clean the carb.
When the engine is running lean, this could imply that the balance between fuel and air may be off. An imbalance can bring about pooping sounds, and a typical balance ratio of air and fuel is 15:1 or 12:1.
When dirt and debris become too much and then clays the needle valve, preventing it from closing, the engine is flooded. The ratio of fuel to air will be altered, and fuel will overflow.
When the fuel ratio is higher than that of the air in the engine, it becomes imbalanced. It can then be said that the engine is running rich. This brings about improper combustion, thereby causing the ejection of black smoke through the exhaust pipe.
You will notice a great difference in the performance of your car when it runs on the best carburetor. Your car engine works more efficiently and breathes better when the carburetor is clean. The cost of repairs will be prevented because clean carb prevents corrosion and dirt build-ups.
It would be best to consider a couple of things when you want to clean your carb. Firstly, ensure that you possess the proper equipment to perform the cleaning. You will require rags, spray cleaner, and a carb cleaning kit, including a wire brush.
Following the instructions left by the producers, remove the carburetor. The basic process is always the same, even though it differs depending on the model or make of the car.
When you have cleaned the grimly mess, use the spray cleaner. Saturate the carb components, even the Jets.
After a little while, using a clean rag, clean everything. This small effort and little time can ensure the smooth functioning of your vehicle for years.
Can I Use Brake Cleaner Instead of Carb Cleaner?
These two cleaners are made specifically for cogent reasons. Both perform different functions and consist of different chemical combinations.
Therefore, it is best to use them for what they are specially made for. Using the wrong cleaner on the wrong part will cost you more money to repair than to buy a new car.
But even at that, you may use the brake cleaner when carb cleaner isn’t available.
You can always purchase brake cleaners that are not harmful on non-metal surfaces and materials. Examine the label to confirm it says non-harmful to peculiar vehicle components.
In a situation where this isn’t specified, do not use it because it could cause more harm than good, regardless of whether the specification says it is safe. It is still best to buy the proper cleaner.
In summary, you shouldn’t use carb cleaner on your brakes due to the problems it may cause in your vehicle and you. As much as some brake cleaners can replace carb cleaners, it is best to avoid using them because the benefits are way smaller than the risk.
Also Read: Brake Pedal Squeaking (6 Causes & Solutions by Expert)
Conclusion – Carb Cleaner vs Brake Cleaner
Now you have a good knowledge of the topic Carb Cleaner vs Brake Cleaner. Generally, in the world of vehicles, some goods may possess multipurpose qualities and could save you cost.
However, the brakes and carburetor are crucial parts of your car, and you are advised to invest in taking good care of your car parts by getting the right products for every part. This is because every component has peculiar needs, and problems may occur in a situation where cross-contamination happens.